Behind-the-Scenes Travel Planners
About Us
We have experience in travel and tourism, marketing, event planning, and hospitality. We’ve guided for an active travel company, planned out new trips with detailed itineraries and logistics, executed operations and worked with vendors and guests across the globe with travel experiences in over a dozen countries.
We love travel, we love learning and we love bringing like-minded people together.
We’ve now taken all that experience and created Gazelle Getaways where people can explore the world while learning something meaningful and exciting to them. We plan the getaways, itineraries, details, and extra activities so the experts can focus on their craft and creating the best workshop for you.
Workshops + Vacation = Vacation Reimagined
Why Gazelle?
The gazelle spirit animal is highly energetic and works hard to actualize their goals and dreams. When they set their mind on something, they don’t stop until they have achieved it.
They are social creatures, like to be in a group, have an adventurous spirit, are fun-loving, and live life to the fullest. They are smart, adaptive, agile and nimble. They are a symbol of perseverance and optimism and a reminder to channel all your energy into positive thinking and a growth mindset.
This is the mindset we want all of our getaways and guests to embrace.